Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sketching at PAM

Today's challenge was to deviate from reality far enough to insert some of our own personality into our sketches.  The example given was that if you particularly like dogs, then you should add something doggish in.

I wandered about the museum, and quickly stumbled upon a portrait of an Elizabethan lady.  And since a cone of shame is properly called an e-collar, or even more properly, an Elizabethan collar, after the Elizabethan ruff, it seemed utterly fitting to turn her into a cat.  With a mouse dangling from her hand, rather than the original handkerchief.

Then I wandered back into the Paris exhibition, and did a straight rendition of the bust in black and white marble, so I could alternate between sketching in the shadows and sketching in the highlights.

And finally, I copied the chat from a Chat Noir poster.

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