Saturday, June 20, 2020

Word exercise

The exercise was to pick 3 or more of the following words - WOW!, Leaves, Windows, Nighttime, Breakfast - and turn them into art.  I was thinking of leaves seen through a window at night.  But couldn't come up with a good way to deform 'windows' into windows.  Making round windows of the 'd' and the 'o'?  That would end up pretty off-center.  

But then I noticed that one of the examples was in Russian.  "Окно" would make perfectly balanced windows.  (OK, it really should've been "окна", for the plural.  Tough.)  Add in листья and ночь and we've got:

Day 100, back-dated


Saturday, June 13, 2020

Day 93, back-dated


Virtual sketchcrawl - change up your process

I decided to do random color, with marker pen and airbrush. 
And it came out virtually unrecognizable.  That's my TV, surrounded by piles of books and DVDs that are waiting to go back to the library, streaming a virtual version of this year's Bach Festival in Leipzig.  

Some performances are still happening in Leipzig, while the groups that intended to come taped performances and sent them in to be broadcast.

The different groups used different ways to record their pieces.  Some did solo works.  Some had all the musicians record themselves at home, and stitched the parts together.  One used a church, with the string section on one side, all wearing masks, and the soprano way over across on the other side.  In Germany, things seemed to be the loosest, with an actual live audience (albeit 2 meters apart and masked).  The musicians were unmasked, and keeping a 2 meter separation.  Even the singers.  Which was a bit unnerving.  (At Trinity Cathedral, singers must keep a 15' separation.)

And this is my (gray) cat, who came to sit on my lap.