Sunday, January 28, 2018

Fertile Ground, Day #11


I'd expected a reading - one that I could sketch at.  But it was a staged reading, with the lights low and me elbow to elbow with the rest of the audience.  So I didn't document this one.

The setting was a corporate board room where God's underlings were in a meeting to discuss 'the ultimate solution' of how to deal with the pesky humans who had overrun the earth.  A couple of archangels, a representative of the Four Horsemen, John (there only because he had written the Book of Rev..., er, uh, Memorandum 665), and headed by the Seraphim.  Played by a single woman.  I don't think it was a collective.  I got the impression that the playwright thought that seraphim was a singular noun.

Just This One

The setting was a bar, with a band, on the night before the band leader was to go to prison.  A vehicle for the music of Paul deLay, with his (fictionalized) life sketched out between songs.  Unfortunately, the lead didn't have the acting chops to carry the performance.  It didn't help that his voice was also the weakest in the production.  The rest of the musicians were top-notch though, with a superb blues harpist, and three woman that I didn't get to hear enough of.

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