Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Vector drawing

A cat, totally out of ellipses.

The hardest part was figuring out how to chop off bits of the ear and tongue.  You have to make a mask by copying the occluding object, drawing a translucent square around both objects and doing some path manipulation to flip the negative space, then get the mask one layer about the object to be clipped and do a clip/set.

Day 13, back-dated


Sunday, March 22, 2020

Virtual art meet-up

Mary tried a virtual meet-up today, to replace our normal meeting at the art museum, which is closed.

Today's challenge came from a quarantine art club on instagram.  It was to pick something mundane, something extraordinary, and some garb and mash them together.  So I did Aramis, with a lion's tail, and a surgical mask.

That took all of ten minutes, so I went looking for something else to draw.  And saw Ollie sitting up on the hill in the backyard.  She kept moving though, and eventually saw me through the window and ran down to ask for love.

And then I sneaked out the back door to see if I could snag one of Barbara's fallen red camellia blossoms to bring inside.  No, her front yard was still filled with men and ladders.  But I noticed a broken branch on one of my camellia's (Did it come that way, or was it hit by a flying shingle?) and brought that in instead.

Day 10, back-dated


Friday, March 20, 2020

Day 8, back-dated



A few buds and flowers of the second new camellia.

I went outside for this one and sat on the wall between my yard and my neighbor's.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Cherry tree

An unsatisfying sketch of one blooming cherry tree on the waterfront.  I didn't stay long, cause it just felt too weird.  Like there were too many people around.

Day 5, back-dated


Sunday, March 15, 2020

Day 3, back-dated


New plantings

I'd planned the locations of the new plants specifically so that I'd be able to see them from my bedroom windows.  Which worked out nicely when I want to be able to sketch something from my window.
This is the part of the yard where most of the oak tree landed.  So between that, and the chimney fall and the equipment used to get the oak tree out, there wasn't much of my old landscaping left. 

This is a camellia on the left, and a dogwood on the right, and random rounds of pine tree trunk set up in between, as a sitting area.


Workers showed up this morning to do some demolition on my next-door neighbor's house!  Spanish-speaking guys, on a Sunday?  Has mass been canceled?  No, but the bishop has offered a dispensation, to those who aren't feeling well, or are at risk, are even the least bit uneasy about going to church.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Bit by bit, the house is getting put back together.

Sunday, March 8, 2020


9 Parts of Desire, at the Armory

A Tale of Two Chimneys

Here's what my next-door neighbor's chimney used to look like.  And behind her house, you can see the giant two-century old Oregon white oak that used to dominate her back yard.

And here's what it looks like today.  After the oak came down and smashed its top off.  And the masons scavenged enough of the fallen bricks to rebuild its stubby top.

And  here's what my more humble chimney used to look like, peeking out from behind one of my pine trees.

And what it looks like now, even more humble than before.

The pine trees are gone as well.  They gave their little lives, fending the worst of the damage off of my house.  And will soon be replaced with little slips of trees - a magnolia and a dogwood.  (These were supposed to have been planted on Friday.  But my neighbor's masons needed to plant their scaffolding in my yard, so it's been delayed until this week.)

And my masons are showing up tomorrow morning.

Japanese music at the library

Tuesday, March 3, 2020


Which starts out with a stage strewn with bodies.