Sunday, August 25, 2019


Loves Labor Lost, by Original Practice Shakespeare.  With rolls in hand, and a referee.


Regular sketching day at the art museum.  But it was a free day, in conjunction with Sunday Parkways, and we were going to avoid the crowds by meeting outside.

I got there a bit early, and did a sketch of a sculpture that was the meeting place while waiting for people to arrive.

Today's challenge was to incorporate water into our sketch.  Not literal water, which left off walking down to one of the fountains, but virtual water.  Making something that wasn't water into water, or adding water where it really wasn't.

So I decided to redo the sketch that I'd already done as mer-people.  As a continuous line drawing.  But while in the middle of that, forgot that I was going to give them fish tails.
So I did a third sketch, with tails.

And then just one of the giant flowers in the courtyard, with a waterfall issuing from it.

Then I walked around the museum and did one more quick one, of the tree in front of the old Y building.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Morris Dancing

Part of a promotion put on to draw people downtown for the day.  To try to offset the losses to businesses from last Saturday's dueling protests.


Sunday, August 18, 2019


I took a day trip to Maryhill - the state park, the old town, Stonehenge and the museum, to get some sketches in.

In the morning I started in the town, now little more than a ghost town with many of the buildings empty, and did the church and an old gas station, with a couple of windmills behind it.  And a glimpse of Stonehenge high up on the hill above me.

 Then we gathered for lunch, and then caravanned up the hill to the museum.  And there we, as a group, looked at this year's plein air exhibit.  This display the paintings that a dozen or so artists did near Maryhill over four days around the beginning of August.  One of whom was Elo.  Someone had done the same gas station that I'd done this morning.  But most of the paintings were of Mt Hood, from various angles, or of water - the Columbia or waterfalls.  No one bothered with the host of windmills running down both sides of the gorge.

So, after I wandered through the rest of the museum, I bought an Italian soda at the cafe and then walked out onto the patio to do just hills and windmills.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Albina Sketchcrawl

I started out by wandering to the north from the meeting place, to get a good view of the tangle of on-ramps and off-ramps that connect I5 to the Fremont Bridge.

And then walked up the hill to Emmanuel Hospital, to the top of a parking garage there, where I found a view of the bridge itself, bracketed by a couple of evergreen trees.

Friday, August 16, 2019

First Presbyterian

Kalina arranged an outing to sketch at First Presbyterian. In return for sketches that the church could use in their newsletter.

I got there early,and started out with a pen drawing of the facade.

Then we were invited inside to sketch there. (And got an impromptu organ recital.) The church is filled with carved cherry wood, with a balcony that undulates around the sanctuary.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Fremont Bridge again

Walked down to the site of the road construction under the ramp up to the Fremont Bridge.  Thurman is open to car traffic again, but there's still a lot of work yet to be done.  But no construction today, seeing as it's Sunday.